Friday, February 10, 2012

1st Progress photos * Org Junkie’s 29 Day Organizational Challenge

It's already time for the first progress pictures for OrgJunkie Organizational Challenge, so here we go!

We moved our bed to the window. Added roman shades to the windows and picked up some cute lamp bases at Goodwill.

We pulled all of the boxes of misc from my closet floor, it's now near our table. I still need to organize the shelves and go through my clothes to donate things that don't fit anymore. My husband still needs to throw out the tv in his side of closet but he's on short term disability with a back injury and shouldn't be lifting right now so that will most likely be done at the end of the month.

And now we are back to the mess that I'm sorting through. Boxes I'm doing one at a time, the pile on the floor is misc fabric, boxes under table are still yarn (I want a nice system for this, looking for ideas), tv is in the same place but now on a bookshelf. 

So that is what has been done so far. Not quite as far as I wanted to be but there are still a few more weeks to turn this into the nice relaxing room that I'm wanting! Thanks for the encouragement from my last organization post and I can't wait to see what everyone else is doing with their rooms!


  1. You've been busy! I do like your bed on the window wall. And your bed spread is lovely- so fresh looking. I look forward to seeing how you organize your sewing area. I am about to move my sewing table into our master- and as you know sewing comes with alot of stuff- so I will probably be tackling our master next. Keep it up- you're doing great!

  2. I am looking forward to see how you organize all your sewing stuff. You can do it. Good luck

  3. An idea for yarn storage.......look for inexpensive wine racks with the interior shape of an X. Your storage can be arranged by color, texture, whatever! Looks really sharp.
