Monday, March 19, 2007

Time for my update!

Over a month since I've had an actual post...that's pretty sad. lol

We had a great trip to Ohio which included a birthday party for Tally. She had a blast meeting all of Matt's dad's side of the family plus his new wife. I love her, she's a sweetheart!

She turned 2 on February 24th, we had a fun night at my parents house with cake and dinner of course.

Everything is going good right now. I am still extremely tired but other than that pretty decent. Had our gender ultrasound today and it's definitely a......

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So I have a few pages to post that I've done in the past month. If you want to know what products ask, I don't feel like typing all that out tonight. ;)


  1. Congratulations, again!!! And those are beautiful pages. Just keep resting, takes a lot to cook one of those. ;)

  2. Congrats!! A girl and boy, how perfect (just like my family!) Are you working on names??
    Your latest scrapbook pages are amazing! I don't know how you do it, scrapbooking with a 2 year old and a bun in the oven?!?!
    Take it easy, your making the rest of us look bad :0)

  3. I love the smile on Tally's face on the park picture. She is so photogenic...hmmm wonder why? Congrats on the boy! And I agree it's pretty exhausting with one in the oven and a 2 year old. I am at least 2 years I'll be done when they move out of the house lol.

  4. I hope you're feeling well & doing great!!!!
